Workshop 'Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Geometry'
Location: Hofgärtnerhaus DresdenDates: 04.03.-08.03.2024
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers at the interface of combinatorics, algorithms and geometry, and to collaborate on interesting research problems. This is the third edition of the workshop, after the successful first edition in 2021 that took place in Wittenberg, Germany, and the second edition in 2022 that was located in the same place (Dresden).
List of participants
- Oswin Aichholzer, TU Graz
- Andrei Asinowski, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- Nastaran Behrooznia, University of Warwick
- Benjamin Aram Berendsohn, FU Berlin
- Sofia Brenner, TU Darmstadt
- Jean Cardinal, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Cesar Ceballos, TU Graz
- Radu Curticapean, Universität Regensburg
- Bishal Deb, Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité
- Mojtaba Ostovari Deylamani, Sharif University
- Jiří Fink, Charles University Prague
- Petr Gregor, Charles University Prague
- Hung P. Hoang, TU Wien
- Vit Jelinek, Charles University Prague
- László Kozma, FU Berlin
- Arturo Merino, MPI Saarbrücken
- Ondřej Mička, Charles University Prague
- Namrata, University of Warwick
- Yoshio Okamoto, The University of Electro-Communications
- Michaela Polley, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- Joe Sawada, University of Guelph
- Francesco Verciani, University of Florence
- Bartosz Walczak, Jagiellonian University
- Aaron Williams, Williams College
- Torsten Mütze, University of Warwick
Rectangulotopes [Arxiv]
(Jean Cardinal and Vincent Pilaud)
EUJC To appear inEuropean Journal of Combinatorics -
Graphs that admit a Hamilton path are cup-stackable [Preprint]
(Petr Gregor, Arturo Merino, Torsten Mütze and Francesco Verciani)
DM To appear inDiscrete Mathematics
Listing spanning trees of outerplanar graphs by pivot-exchanges [Preprint]
(Nastaran Behrooznia and Torsten Mütze)
STACS Accepted for presentation at the42nd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2025) , 18 pp.
Flips in colorful triangulations [Preprint] [Combos]
(Rohan Acharya, Torsten Mütze and Francesco Verciani)
GD Extended abstract inProceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (Graph Drawing 2024) , 20 pp.
04.03.: 9-12 Arrival; 12-13 Lunch; 14-17 Open problem session05.03.: 8-9 Breakfast; 9-12 Work in groups; 12-13 Lunch; 14-17 Work in groups
06.03.: 8-9 Breakfast; 9-10:30 Announcements and progress report; 10:30-12 Work in groups; 12-12:30 Lunch; 12:30 Group photo; 13-18 Excursion: Erlebnisland Mathematik and Stasi-Haftanstalt
07.03.: 8-9 Breakfast; 9-12 Work in groups; 12-13 Lunch; 14-17 Work in groups
08.03.: 8-9 Breakfast; 9-11 Work in groups; 11-12 Progress report; 12-13 Lunch; Departure