
About me

I am a professor at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Kassel. I am also affiliated with the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic at Charles University Prague. From 2019–2024, I was assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Warwick. From 2015–2019, I was a postdoc in the research group 'Combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms' of Martin Skutella at TU Berlin. In 2015, I spent 4 months at Georgia Tech in Atlanta in the research group of Tom Trotter, supported by a fellowship of the Swiss National Science foundation, and before that 6 months at ETH Zurich in the 'Theory of combinatorial algorithms group' of Emo Welzl. From 2012–2014 I worked as a software engineer at Supercomputing Systems Zurich. In 2011 I completed my PhD at ETH Zurich in the research group 'Combinatorial structures and algorithms' of Angelika Steger.

Research interests

My research interests are in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, and in their applications to real-world problems. Specifically, I am interested in the following subjects: Full bibliography on: DBLP, Google Scholar, Arxiv

Students and grants



I already had the pleasure of working with the following researchers and students:
Rohan Acharya, Oswin Aichholzer, Gustavo Alonso, Nastaran Behrooznia, Michael Belfrage, Aaron Bernstein, Jean Cardinal (3), Herman Z. Q. Chen, Yann Disser, Karl Däubel (2), Elizabeth Hartung, Hung P. Hoang (3), Tony Huynh, Stefan Felsner, Jiří Fink, Martina Furrer, Petr Gregor (8), Dan Hefetz, Sven Jäger (2), Sergey Kitaev, Linda Kleist, Max Klimm, Kolja Knauer, Fabian Kuhn, Arturo Merino (10), Ondřej Mička (3), Marcel Milich, Namrata (3), Jerri Nummenpalo (6), Martin Pergel, Ueli Peter, Thomas Rast, Justus Schwartz, Leon Sering, Reto Spöhel (6), Joe Sawada, Manfred Scheucher (2), Frieder Smolny, Christoph Standke, Raphael Steiner, Patrick Stuedi, Pascal Su, Brian Y. Sun, Henning Thomas, Francesco Verciani (2), Birgit Vogtenhuber, Bartosz Walczak (2), Franziska Weber, Veit Wiechert (2), Kaja Wille, Aaron Williams (2)